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Kenapa orang Perancis tidak gemuk

Ramai yang hairan kenapa orang Perancis tidak gemuk. Ini kerana mereka minum banyak red wine. Dalam dalam wine, terdapat kandungan resveratrol yang banyak. Tapi setakat segelas dua tu tak jalan.. Jadi kita mana boleh minum wine kan.. Jadi alternatif utk kita adalah minum VIVIX :

"Terdapat empat mekanisma yang membuktikan kebaikan Vivix iaitu ia mengandungi resveratrol yang kebaikannya sama dengan 3,000 gelas wine merah. Vivix juga terbukti 10 kali lebih bertenaga daripada resveratrol, tidak mengandungi alkohol dan menggunakan bahan semula jadi, tanpa pewarna tiruan serta perasa tambahan.Vivix mendapat pengesahan halal Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim)

Berkenaan dgn kenapa org Perancis tak gemuk.. dan apa kaitan dgn Resveratrol, meh kita baca artikel dibawah ini (credit)
... And the article was about was about a study done at University of Basque Country. Evidently they have been trying to figure out why French Women don’t get Fat. And of course it may be that they don’t eat Paula Deans wonderful home cooking recipes with plenty of fat and sugar. Or could it be that the French have smaller portions. Or perhaps it is the unprocessed non-GMO fresh foods? No they actually found another secret.The secret – as some suspected – is in the red wine. Red wine contains resveratrol, an antioxidant that has the ability to reduce body fat. It even reduces the accumulation of triglycerides, and seems to be especially effective when combined with a low-calories diet, says researcher Arrate Lasa, at the University of the Basque Country.

So, resveratrol –improves the positive effects of a diet, and explains why it is that the French don’t put on the weight in the first place, despite their high-fat diet.
(Source: Basque Research, from the University of the Basque Country).It is interesting to note that when David Sinclair from Harvard first discovered the wonderful properties of resveratrol, he actually found out that it took a whole lot more resveratrol than most scientists thought to get the best benefits. Now I am not saying that drinking a glass of wine or two is not beneficial but it evidently is not near enough to get the positive benefits from this nutrient. Dr. Sinclair found that more like 300 glasses a day would be better. Well that is a huge liquor bill…and who has the time to do that?So what is the best way to find an effective resveratrol product? Shaklee Corporation with the guidance of Mr. Resveratrol himself, Dr. Sinclair put together the most effective anti-aging product called Vivix.One teaspoon is equal to the amount of resveratrol in 300 glasses of wine. They even went to the extra mile and had University of Georgia develop a manufacturing process that wouldeliminate oxidizing the product.

As scientist continued to research scientist have discovered that using a mixture of resveratrol and other plants in the same category and resveratrol, called polyphenols actually had even better results than resveratrol alone. This was actually proven using Shaklee’s Vivix and resveratrol products at the University of Tennessee.By doing a muscle biopsy they divided individuals into 3 categories;those that took no reseveratrol, those that took resvertrol alone and those that took the mixed polyphenol Vivix that includes resveratrol and other polyphenols.

Here is a picture of the results. The more green the better. This is the mitochondria of the cell that looks green. Mitochondria are the energy furnaces of each cell…the more you have the better. These mitochondria produce something called ATP, and this is what fuels all of the body’s energy. More energy, less aging, better use of insulin and repair of the body…and who couldn’t use more energy and cell repair. They know that Vivix actually repair damaged DNA.
Kesimpulannya. Vivix mengandungi resveratrol yang kebaikannya sama dengan 3,000 gelas wine merah. Dan Resveratrol ,an antioxidant ini lah yang berupaya utk membakar lemak2 di badan..wallawwehhh.... lebih banyakcerita tentang Vivix... sila baca di link ini

Sila sms/whatsapp saya 013-9422527 atau email  untuk harga yang istimewa.
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1. mendapat konsultasi yang betul untuk pengambilan setiap vitamin.
2. boleh terus bertanya sekiranya ada kemusykilan berkaitan produk.
3. mendapat ilmu yang berterusan mengenai kebaikan sesuatu produk.



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